
More from the App Store – great apps you might have missed [July 17 2020]

Thousands of apps and games are added to the App Store each week, and trawling through them to find the good ones can be difficult. That’s where we come in! We’ve found two new titles in particular that we think are worthy of your attention, as well as a golden oldie that we reckon deserves another mention.

App of the Week

Focos Live [Free]

Focos Live promises to bring the benefits of enhanced bokeh across from your Portrait stills to your videos. As well as being able to shoot live with a ‘large aperture’ effect – thus blurring out background elements and making your subject pop – you can also use the app’s depth data to apply these effects in post-production. It’s possible to edit videos on the fly using Focos’s powerful yet intuitive gesture-based control, with speed ramping and video reverse capabilities also present.

Focos Live

Game of the Week

Felix The Reaper [$4/£4]

A surprisingly lavish and charming 3D puzzler that’s been completely overhauled and rejigged since its original PC release to make it more suitable for mobile play. Felix The Reaper has you guiding a slightly portly and decidedly chipper death-bringer around a series of gridded levels, kicking off darkly humorous fatal scenarios. As simple Sokoban-style puzzlers go, this one’s had way more thought and attention poured in than most. It’s deeply whimsical, gently taxing stuff that isn’t afraid to deal with (and laugh at) the weightiest of themes.

Felix The Reaper

App Store Classic

Zombies, Run! [Free]

Zombies, Run has been a champion of off-kilter gamified running apps ever since it landed on the App Store way back in 2012. The idea is that you obtain a thorough workout whilst physically running away from virtual zombies, the import of which is conveyed through immersive audio storytelling. The app recently hit version 9.0, which brings with it 10 new virtual races, new subscription perks, a new dinosaur-themed adventure, and the resumption of its lockdown-friendly home workout episodes.

Zombies, Run!

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