
More from the App Store – great apps you might have missed [19 August 2022]

Thousands of apps and games are added to the App Store each week, and trawling through them to find the good ones can be difficult. That’s where we come in! We’ve found two new titles in particular that we think are worthy of your attention, as well as a golden oldie that we reckon deserves another mention.

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App of the Week

Grainery [Free]

Here’s a first (we think) for this long-recurring section: an App of the Week suggestion that isn’t an app (yet). Grainery currently takes the form of a web app, but it’s a very functional one. It captures much of that old Instagram feeling, but with a focus on sharing analog rather than digital photos. As well as uploading your old images, you can also fill in your camera details for a full-on photography nerd-out. And yes, a full-blown iOS app is in development.


Game of the Week

Pitch Black [$5.99/£4.99]

A self-described “narrative-driven exploration game” that relies entirely on sound, Pitch Black encourages you to plug in a decent set of headphones, close your eyes, and choose the path forward through a post-apocalyptic wasteland. This is the first instalment of a six-episode saga, with around an hour of gameplay promised. If you like audiobooks, but crave a little more interactivity, this could be worth a shot.

Pitch Black

App Store Classic

500px [Free]

Our App of the Week choice is an Instagram alternative, which many are looking for as Meta turns the once photo-focused social network into a video-focused TikTok rival. 500px has long offered an alternative Instagram, with a laser-like focus on proper photography. It’s a great way to get exposure for, and feedback on, your latest artistic efforts from a community of fellow enthusiasts. You can also embark on photographic Quests, win prizes, and even get paid for your work.



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