
More from the App Store – great apps you might have missed [5 August 2022]

Thousands of apps and games are added to the App Store each week, and trawling through them to find the good ones can be difficult. That’s where we come in! We’ve found two new titles in particular that we think are worthy of your attention, as well as a golden oldie that we reckon deserves another mention.

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App of the Week

TBR Book List Tracker [$4.99/£4.49]

Here’s an app that provides an elegant way to track the books you’re reading, or are interested in reading in the future. It also curates book-related news from more than 1,000 sources, and will pick out the books being discussed for easy saving. TBR also contains a barcode scanner for quickly scanning books into the app – perfect for those physical book store browsing sessions. You can even import your books from Goodreads.

TBR Book List Tracker

Game of the Week

Card Crawl Adventure [Free]

For about a decade now, Arnold Rauers (aka Tiny Touch Tales) has been turning out brilliant card-based strategy games with a dash of the unexpected to them. Card Crawl Adventure is a follow-up to arguably his most beloved game of all, Card Crawl. This self-described “Solitaire-style roguelike deckbuilding game” might have the same whimsical fantasy art style as its predecessor, but there appears to be much more scope to its gameplay, as you carefully pick out the optimal path through 3×3 grids of cards, with each card packing its unique attributes.

Card Crawl Adventure

App Store Classic

Breathe+ [Free]

This classic app provides you with a super-simple visualization tool for tracking and regulating your breathing. Featuring a beautiful abstract waveform UI and fully customizable session lengths, it’s one of the most stylish relaxation and meditation tools on the App Store. It also ties in with Apple’s HealthKit, contributing to your mindful minutes. Subscribe or pay for the full unlock, and you can track your breathing exercise history.



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