Thousands of apps and games are added to the App Store each week, and trawling through them to find the good ones can be difficult. That’s where we come in! We’ve found two new titles in particular that we think are worthy of your attention, as well as a golden oldie that we reckon deserves another mention.
App of the Week
AirSynth [$2/£2]
Here’s a fascinating premise – a music-creation app that uses the TrueDepth sensor on the front of the iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Plus and iPhone XR as a means to play a tune. It’s essentially a virtual theremin, as you hold your hand over the front of your iPhone to alter the pitch of a sustained note. There are five different ‘voices’ to experiment with, and a cool visualization effect that maps out your inputs.
Game of the Week
Word Forward [$3/£3]
We love a good polished word game here, and Word Forward looks to be just such a thing. It’s classic word scramble stuff, as you touch and drag to form words from a grid of letters. But the words themselves can twist in any direction, even diagonally, while there are also some potentially game-changing special tiles to incorporate. Add in some sharp presentation and you’re halfway to word game heaven.
App Store Classic
Carrot Weather [$5/£5]
There are plenty of weather apps out there, some of which get by on crisp presentation, others of which have a reputation for scarily accurate reports. Carrot Weather gives you both, along with a hefty dose of dry (pun unintended) humor. It poses as a particularly grouchy AI assistant, throwing amusing insults and droll quips at you from the moment you open up the app. Don’t worry – it’s got its meteorological house in order as well, drawing from Dark Sky’s famously localized data sets.