Thousands of apps and games are added to the App Store each week, and trawling through them to find the good ones can be difficult. That’s where we come in! We’ve found two new titles in particular that we think are worthy of your attention, as well as a golden oldie that we reckon deserves another mention.
App of the Week
HearHere [currently $25/£25 per year]
Described as a ‘Road Trip Companion’, HearHere is a new kind of travel app that gives you little audio snippets of information and trivia as you pass through a new location. It’s completely hands-free, of course, and the stories limit themselves to just 2-3 minutes in length, so they shouldn’t prove too distracting to drivers. HearHere is pretty limited at the moment, currently only covering California, Oregon and Washington. The whole of the US is promised by summer 2021, and hopefully there’s more to come after that.
Note: usually a subscription would set you back $50/£50 per year, but at the time of writing, it’s half price until the end of the month.
Game of the Week
One Line Coloring [$3/£3]
A lovely-looking puzzle game with a warmly familiar connect-the-dots mechanic at its heart. Join all the components up in the correct fashion, and they’ll form into charming little blocky 3D dioramas before your eyes. Developer MYTHICOWL assures us that it’s “easy for children, engaging for adults”. With over 100 models to collect across six unique themes, and a relaxingly low key soundtrack, this could be the perfect blissed-out zen experience for these troubled times.
App Store Classic
8tracks [Free]
Launched the same year as the App Store way back in 2008, 8tracks used to be one of the hottest names in music streaming. The recent dominance of the Spotify model appeared to put paid to it in 2019, but a belated acquisition has prompted a cautious comeback. Now streaming again in the US – and hopefully, more territories before too long – 8tracks still gives you a uniquely personal internet radio experience, allowing you to discover new music through properly curated playlists at no charge.