
Visits: location timeline and personal map

Visits is a new app that could make your life easier by automatically plotting everywhere you visit on a map. It’s a visual record of where you’ve been – and when – that involves no effort from the user but could provide valuable information.

The Visits team describes it like this:

“Visits makes life simpler by automatically tracking user location and time spent for the user, thereby aiding in better time management with increased productivity. It’s automatic, energy efficient and extremely private.”

Those final three points are what makes the app worth a look. It works automatically in the background, without burning through your battery – and your location data isn’t collected by the devs. Sounds good to us.

Why would you want to track everywhere you’ve been, though?

Let’s say you can’t remember the place you had those great cocktails last year, or you want to know how many times you hit the gym this month. Just load up the timeline and find out! Heading to a part of town you’ve not been to for a while? Check the map to make sure you don’t forget the places you hit up last time around.

We used to be big fans of Moves for this kind of ambient tracking, but sadly Facebook bought and then shut down that app. Visits looks to be its spiritual successor. And at $1/£1, we reckon it’s worth a shot.

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