We’re digging into another long-departed App Store great and exploring how to (sort of) bring it back to modern devices: Weightbot, by Tapbots.

Weightbot, in all its metallic glory.
What was Weightbot?
The first of the Tapbots apps. Each was conceived as a diminutive robot helper, to inject fun into mundane tasks. This one was a weight tracker, which made it simple – and a delight – to keep tabs on your weight and BMI. The app was soon followed by conversion tool Convertbot, before the Tapbots team became immersed in more ambitious fare, such as famous Twitter client Tweetbot and clipboard manager Pastebot.
Why did we love it?
Because it had personality. Back in 2008, many apps followed Apple’s lead in using real-world textures. It wasn’t unusual to have notepad apps that looked like actual notepads. But Weightbot took things further, with fun animation and plenty of entertainingly bleepy noises as you fiddled around with its interface. All of which might sound frivolous and unnecessary. But trying to lose, gain or maintain weight can be emotionally draining. Adding levity to the process was a smart decision.
Where is it now?
As noted elsewhere, Tapbots’ priorities changed as the company’s small team released new apps. Increasingly, development time was poured into Tweetbot. Calcbot also appeared, and later absorbed Convertbot. Weightbot gradually faded away – initially figuratively (becoming free) and then literally (being removed from the App Store entirely). Tapbots has hinted over the years about bringing Weightbot back, but it seems that notion is at best on the backburner.
How can you bring back Weightbot?
In terms of data logging, Apple’s Health app covers everything Weightbot once did, letting you add your weight and track progress in Health > Browse > Body Measurements > Weight.
For standalone input, Simple Scales ($0.99/99p) is basic but tactile and usable. Weightbot (free) – no relation to the Tapbots original – adds built-in stats and notifications. And Vekt (free + IAP) provides a dash of futuristic visuals and is closer in nature to the Tapbots app. No fun robot noises, mind – you’ll have to make those yourself.

We just want to get the Tapbots gang back together one day!
Visit the Tapbots website and keep refreshing it until the new Weightbot becomes a reality.