
Interview with Northway Games – developer of Rebuild strategy game

Games studios come in all shapes and sizes these days, but this doesn’t always dictate what kind of splash they’ll make on the App Store.

Sarah Northway of Northway games recently spoke to gamesreviewer.net about their strategy series Rebuild.

Rebuild requires players to defend against a horde of undead attacks. It’s a great game that’s received deserved attention. In the interview, Northway describes how crowd-funding was implemented to assist in the development of the Rebuild series, which recently saw the launch of Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville.

“Many developers stress out and spend a LOT of time working and worrying about their Kickstarter campaigns. I had an easier time than most because millions of people had already heard of the game, and especially because I didn’t need to fund the entire game, just the art and sound. Kickstarter helped me get the word out and connect me with the people who became alpha and beta testers. I’d definitely do it again.”

She also discussed how the Rebuild games differ from the majority of turn-based strategy games:

“Rebuild has more of a focus on simulation than most strategy games, letting you get to know your survivors and see their individuality. It goes beyond combat to questions of personality, morality, and political leanings. As you play, you’re shaping a new civilization from the ashes of disaster, and some of the fun is just to see what will happen.”

Some great insight from a top developer! We’d certainly recommend reading the full interview.

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