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Apple provides technology for youth development with mobile labs

iPads are helping teach a new generation of young people thanks to a new partnership between Apple and youth development organization 4-H, showcasing the power of apps for positive change. The mobile design lab, built into a bus, looks particularly fun and left us wishing this kind of thing existed when we were kids!

While 4-H has long been associated with activities like raising farm animals and crafting, the organization is now embracing modern technology, STEM and digital learning through Apple’s Community Education Initiative (CEI).

At the Franklin County Fair in Ohio, young 4-H members were seen not only showcasing livestock and handmade quilts but also coding with Swift and composing music using iPads. This transformation began in Ohio and has since expanded, reaching over 90,000 young people across states such as New Jersey and Michigan.

Apple’s contribution has provided 4-H clubs with cutting-edge technology, including iPads and Sphero robots, empowering students to explore fields like robotics, coding, and digital media. For instance, 12-year-old Jobie Thinthapthai, who has been part of 4-H for several years, found herself especially drawn to the 4-H mobile classroom, where she experimented with robotics and digital drawing. She noted, “technology is giving us more tools to use with our projects, so we’re learning skills that we can use later on in life.”

This partnership highlights Apple’s broader mission to promote educational equity, particularly in communities traditionally underrepresented in technology. By helping 4-H evolve, Apple is enabling the organization to honor its agricultural roots while equipping a new generation with the skills needed for the future – a true blend of tradition and innovation.