
Sanctions lead Apple to stop working with Crimean devs

Apple Headquarters - Cupertino

Complying with US and EU trade sanctions against Crimea announced in December, Apple has notified Crimea-based iOS developers that they are having their developer status revoked.

These sanctions follow the Russian annexation of the region last year.

For Crimean iOS developers, this means removing any non-public services seeded to them by Apple (they are legally bound to do this by the agreement they signed when becoming a developer). They are also prohibited from selling apps on the App Store. They can get these benefits back by re-registering their businesses to a non-Crimean address. If Russia were to cease their occupation of Crimea, presumably Apple development privileges would be restored.

The sanctions also apply to the funds that have been collected for app sales that haven’t yet been dispersed.

Additionally, residents of Crimea will be unable to purchase from Apple at all until the sanctions are lifted, including hardware.

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