
Apple releases iOS 8.1.1 to address performance

Apple has released a new incremental update to its latest operating system. iOS 8.1.1 arrived on November 17 and largely aimed to address performance issues on older devices, such as the iPhone 4S and iPad 2.

The release notes say that the update also includes bug fixes, but doesn’t go much further than that. There have also been Jailbreak Patches – one for Pangu Jailbreak 1.2.1, which allows users to override the limitations Apple puts on its software. However, this often leaves users open to malware issues.

The update also addresses recent malware issues – such as WireLurker – which allow malicious unsigned apps to install and run as root.

The release of iOS 8.1.1 has made room for iOS 8.2 (Beta 1) to arrive, which is now available for developers. The most intriguing element to this is the inclusion of a WatchKit API, which enables developers to start developing for the forthcoming Apple Watch.

Read more: Spring 2015 for Apple Watch?

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