Apple has announced its plans for the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday period. This year that involves a gift card giveaway to the tune of up to $150/£120.
Each year Apple holds a four-day shopping event around Black Friday. Starting on November 27 (aka Black Friday), and running through to November 30 (aka Cyber Monday), anyone buying a 16-inch MacBook Pro or a 21.5-inch iMac from the Apple website will also receive a $150 Apple Store gift card.
There are other tempting gift card deals on offer too. In descending order of value, picking up an iPad Pro or HomePod will snag you a $100 gift card.
Elsewhere there’s a $50 gift card going to anyone who buys a 12-inch MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPhone SE, iPhone 11, iPhone XR, iPad mini, Apple TV 4K, Apple TV HD, or any Beats headphones or earphones.
Finally, anyone who buys an Apple Watch Series 3, AirPods Pro, or AirPods will secure themselves a $25 Apple Store gift card.
We’ve quoted these deals in US dollars, but there are similar deals running in the United Kingdom (with gift card values up to £120), Canada ($210), Australia ($210), and New Zealand. And those are just the countries we’ve checked. If you’re outside of the US, ignore the link above and instead simply head to the Apple website and tap the link on the home page to the Four Day Shopping Event.
As you’ll no doubt have observed, Apple hasn’t included many of its newer devices in with these deals. You won’t be getting any bonus gift cards if you’re shopping for an iPhone 12, Apple Watch Series 4, or the new iPad Air, for example. And Apple’s new Silicon Macs are exempt too – Apple perhaps reasoning they’re so damned fast you don’t need any extra incentive to get one.
Still, any form of savings from Apple are a rare and wonderful thing. And $150 to spend on future Apple purchases is nothing to be sniffed at.