
Blackout Tuesday – Apple Music shutdown to support black artists

Today, June 2, Apple Music is joining an industry-wide media blackout to show support for Black Lives Matter and similar movements. Apple says it “will use this day to reflect and plan actions to support Black artists, Black creators, and Black communities.”

Apple Music now joins a huge chunk of the industry by shutting down its regular programming for the day. The aim is to draw attention to the fight against racial injustice in the wake of the recent killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Tim Cook has already addressed the news in a memo to employees, with Apple donating to various initiatives fighting for justice.

User can still access their own music library and playlists, and access anything from Apple Music through search. But the For You, Browse, and Radio tabs are engaging with the blackout with a takeover that funnels listeners through to a single radio station with the following message.

The regular Beats radio schedule has been axed for the day, replaced by a single stream that celebrates black music of all kinds. Countless other TV and radio stations, record labels, and music stars have similarly gone quiet or changed their programming to support Blackout Tuesday, many artists using the hashtag #TheShowMustBePaused.

If you want to learn more about this topic, the movement’s founders have suggested engaging with this list of anti-racism resources.

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