Apple has officially announced the date for its biggest annual event. Tuesday, September 10 is the date, and it’s the event in which Apple typically unveils its latest iPhones. Definitely a date for the diary.
The special event will take place at 10am in the Steve Jobs Theatre on Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California, and is being advertised to invitees with the slogan “by innovation only.”
This year, we’re expecting relatively lightweight updates to the iPhone lineup. Though we’re certain Apple will have ramped things up under the hood, it’s likely we will again see three models released at roughly the same price points and display sizes as last year. That means straightforward successors to the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and the remarkably capable iPhone XR.
No big design overhauls to report, though dozens of rumors have leaked the fact that some of the models are likely to have a new three-camera array on the rear, for extreme wide-angle photography and to help improve augmented reality experiences.
It’s also usual for Apple to release upgrades for other products at this event, and history points towards the possibility of a new Apple Watch. Though reports have been scant on detail, it’s reasonably likely that Apple Watch S5 will take the stage alongside its big brother, the iPhone.
Beyond that, we of course have Apple’s foray into the world of subscription services to look forward to. You can bet there will be a few mentions of Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade in the lead-up to their imminent release.
We’ve learned a bit about about those services since their announcement back in March, but with both scheduled to launch before the end of the year we’d expect to get some more concrete details soon. Like, the pricing, maybe?
As ever, you’ll be able to watch the launch event as it unfolds live at 10am pmt and Apple usually puts on a good show. But if two-hour press conferences aren’t your thing, rest assured we’ll be right here to bring you all the important details.