Plenty of Apple, iPhone, and iPad news gets released each week – but we know you’re busy, so we’ve got your back. Here, we’ve picked out some of the most notable things you should know from the past few days and summarized them for easy digestion. Not just straightforward Apple news, but interesting iPhone-adjacent tidbits, too. You’re welcome.
So please dig into this week’s Apple news bites, freshly sourced from all around the web. As ever, click through to read the full stories if you want to know more!
US import tariffs delayed, won’t affect iPhone prices (yet)
We’ve reported in detail on Trump’s new 10% import tax on goods from China, and how it might affect Apple. Though it’s expected the company would absorb any losses rather than passing them onto the consumer, we can be sure at least that any changes won’t hit until at least next year as the tariff has been delayed to help support the Christmas shopping market.
Apple delays plans to stop tracking in kids apps
From one delay to another: Apple has previously announced it would be cutting down on third-party tracking in kids’ apps. Many games aimed at children track usage behaviors and so on, and use some of the same ad targeting techniques as ads for adults. Though Apple still plans to put a stop to this, it’s delayed the new rules to give developers more time to adjust their apps in preparation for the change.
Investor rebuys AAPL has Cook “has Trump’s ear”
It’s no secret that Apple CEO Tim Cook has met with President Trump to discuss the impact his new import tariffs will have on Apple. It’s been reported that Trump thinks Cook “makes a compelling point,” and though he might not act on it, that trust has convinced at least one big investor to buy back into Apple stock. He also likes Apple’s more “aggressive” approach of late.
PSA: MoviePass error exposes personal data
This news bite doesn’t concern Apple specifically, but is important to know for wider digital consumers. If you’ve ever used the train wreck of a ticket subscription service MoviePass, it’s possible some of your personal information has been exposed – including credit card numbers. An error left 58,000 account details public, and though it’s not clear if they’ve been compromised, it’s probably best to err on the side of caution.
iPhone X ‘upgraded’ with original Mac keyboard and mouse
Here’s a fun story to round things out. YouTuber napabar has managed to get a vintage Apple keyboard and mouse from the 1980s to work with a modern iPhone. It’s a silly sight, but really pulls at those nostalgia strings for anyone who used them first time around, and shows what’s possible if you have enough dongles and adapters!