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Back on the App Store: Tips & Tricks – Secrets for iPhone Pro

We’re back! The Pro Edition of Tips & Tricks – Secrets for iPhone is back in the store!

Apple removed the app a few weeks back. They had asked us to rename the App, then we hit a technical problem, and missed the deadline so they pulled the App. But we’re back now so if you’ve been trying to upgrade apologies for our absence. We’ve added some new tips covering the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, improved the search functionality and squashed a few bugs. Let us know what you think!

The Icon


This is going to seem odd, but because of the dispute with Apple, both Secrets for iPhone Pro and Secrets for iPad Pro have the same icon. We understand that this is inconvenient, especially if you like to use both apps on one device. Sorry about that. We’ll be looking for some way to distinguish them in the future.