
World Emoji Day: preview the new emoji coming to iOS

Apple has officially unveiled some of the new emoji coming to iOS later this year.

Yesterday, July 17, was World Emoji Day. Yes, we’re surprised that’s a real thing too. It seems to have caught on though, as the Empire State Building was lit up in “emoji yellow” to mark the occasion. Meanwhile, Apple showed off many of the new icons coming soon to an iPhone or iPad near you. Take a look below at some of the new entries.

Those with headscarves and beards can now better represent themselves

An all-new range of fantasy characters supplements some additional animals

A few new standard yellow smileys are here, some of which are surprisingly graphic

The new emoji set for 2017 was actually announced a few months ago by Unicode, the consortium for keeping emojis in check across all countries and platforms. But this is the first time we’ve seen the official artwork Apple will be using to implement those emoji. It’s also confirmation Apple will be using potentially controversial emoji like the breastfeeding woman. Personally, we’re more concerned with all that green puke in the final image…

Related reading: the Evolution of Emoji

Though Apple has yet to announce when these emoji will go live (aside from “later this year”) we would expect them to be available to all users alongside the launch of iOS 11 this September.

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