We’ve just released a new issue of Swipe – the iPhone Magazine!
It’s pretty rare that you’d ever take the time and sit back and think about all the things the iPhone has helped you do in the years since its launch. After all, there’s too much to do for such whimsical activity – for example, have you checked your steps count for the day? Weren’t you going to edit that video from your holiday? Or reply to that message you’ve received instantly from a relative on the other side of the world? It might be hard to imagine, but there’s still areas the iPhone has the potential to revolutionize. We’re focusing on one of these in our main article this month – Apple, and Health. There was a big splash with the arrival of HealthKit a couple of years back – but what’s really changed? And what will happen in the future? We’re taking a look at the major changes in technological health that use the iPhone as their central point. Aside from that we’ve got all your regular reviews, news, how-tos and a great roundup of augmented reality and 3D apps you can use on your iPhone right now. Enjoy!
Inside this issue…
- Full Medical: how Apple can change healthcare for the better
- All the best apps for augmented and remixed reality
- Reviews of PixelSquid, H _ _ R, and Cleanz
- New games Stickman Soccer 16 and Warp Shift also reviewed
- A brief overview of alternate iOS keyboards
- How to download maps for offline nagivation
Download the Swipe app today and start a 7-day trial or purchase a single issue for only $1.99/£1.49!