We’ve just released a new issue of our sister app, Swipe – the iPhone Magazine!
Over the last few months, people around the world have been settling into a new routine of working from home, and it’s no different here at Swipe HQ! But those stuck at home more than usual may be feeling increasingly lethargic and out of shape – especially if workouts at the local gym are no longer an option where you live.
Whether you’ve never entered a gym in your life or have been missing your regular sessions thanks to the pandemic, home workouts could be the perfect solution. Head to this issue’s Reviews section for a breakdown of the four apps you need to get your exercise on at home. The best part? You can bag the lot for a one-time outlay that’s less than the cost of a month’s gym membership.
If you’re not interested in fitness, or already have that part of your life under control, instead direct yourself to the Features section. There, you’ll find a couple of great think pieces: one on Apple’s biggest change to the basic design of iOS in a decade, and another that considers why the rumors of Apple ditching the free cables and headphones in the iPhone box may actually be a good thing.
Over in the How-To section, you’ll find a continuation of our yearly Summer tradition. That’s right, we’re knee-deep in the iOS 14 beta and bringing you guides to all its best features even before its official launch. If you have the public beta, you can try these out straight away. If not, it should give you something to look forward to this Fall.
Oh, and did we mention Apple just broke a bunch of sales records despite the Coronavirus pandemic causing havoc? Details on that (and more) in the News section.
Download the Swipe app today and start a 7-day trial or purchase a single issue for only $1.99/£1.99!