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Latest issue of Swipe: The 2023 App Awards

We’ve just published the latest issue of our sister app, Swipe Magazine. It’s full of the same kind of tips and features you’ll find here, packaged neatly into fortnightly issues. There are dozens of back issues available and you can trial it completely free if you want a new way to get to know your iPhone!

Editor’s Notes

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year!

2024 is shaping up to be an exciting one, and we’ll be exploring a whole host of trends and predictions for 2024 this issue. But before we get ahead of ourselves, now’s that time of year where we review the best apps and games of the previous year. As such, head to the Reviews section to see all the winners of our 2023 App Awards. We’ve picked ten titles in total, all of them fantastic in their own right.

We’ve also got a series of tips for making (and keeping) New Year’s Resolutions with the help of your iPhone or iPad. The 1st of January might have been and gone already, but it’s never to late to make a change in your life for the better.

Finally, dig deeper into the issue and you’ll find reviews for the latest Resident Evil release and a look at Apple’s upcoming Stolen Device Protection feature. Enjoy!

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