Welcome to Swipe issue #212!
Phew. We’ve now covered three big events in our last five Swipe issues, but Apple is finally showing signs of slowing down for the Winter. The latest event revealed a lineup of high-performance “Silicon” Mac computers – check the News section for details on these new models and the Features section to see why the changes impact Apple’s users across iPhone and iPad, too.
We’re also taking a proper look at the value of Apple One this issue, with a Feature that considers whether the recently-released services bundle will really save you any money.
Head to the Reviews section for our cover story, a two-part roundup about the best apps and games to expose your kids to. If your young children are going to spend time with an old iPhone or iPad, try these fun and educational apps to ensure they’re making the most of their screen time.
As ever, we’ve also got four exciting app reviews to dig into and a bunch of tutorials in the How-To section. Enjoy!
Tom Rolfe
Swipe Editor