Wow! It’s issue number THREE HUNDRED today folks. That’s roughly 12 years of Swipe magazine, and I’ve been editor for about half that time.
To celebrate the milestone, lead contributor Craig Grannell and I have put together our biggest roundup ever: an absolute whopper of a list covering what we consider to be the best iPhone and iPad apps of all time. I figured 300 apps would be too many to slog through, so instead we’ve picked out 30 fantastic choices that cover pretty much everything you might want your device to do.
We’re also looking ahead with another bumper feature: an Apple “Futurespective” that predicts what we might see from the company in the year 2030. That sounds like a lifetime away, but in reality it’s just five-and-a-half years from now. How did that happen?
The final thing I’m excited about this issue is our coverage of the latest App Store rule change. Video game emulators are now available on iOS, something I never expected Apple to allow. We’ve written an op-ed in Features on why it’s such a big deal, even for non-gamers. And over in the How-To section, I talk you through how to set up an emulator to play vintage games, if that’s your jam.
Finally, I’d like to thank every one of you for reading, whether you started with issue #1 or issue #299. See you next time.
Tom Rolfe
Swipe Editor