We’ve got some important features to dig your teeth into this issue, folks.
With WWDC just two weeks away, we’ve come up with a wish list of things we hope Apple announces this year. Even if our dreams don’t come true, one thing that’s for sure is iOS 18 will make its first appearance in June.
But in the here and now, Apple recently released iOS 17.5 and then a quick 17.5.1 update to fix a rather unsettling bug. Check the news section to see the details of those releases.
We’re also revisiting our iPad Buyer’s Guide in the wake of two humongous updates for the iPad Air and iPad Pro lines. They’ve completely changed the equation when it comes to choosing which model is right for you.
Head to the Reviews section and you’ll also see a new version of our “alternative web browsers” roundup. We haven’t written about Safari alternatives for several years, and a lot has changed since then, with some really clever apps that go beyond what the popular web browsers can do.
All that and more in this issue – happy reading!
Tom Rolfe
Swipe Editor