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Welcome to #319: A note from the editor

This issue we’re looking back on Apple’s decision to completely redesign the Photos app in iOS 18 last year, the ensuing backlash, and the (few) changes Apple made to address concerns. It’s been a real saga!

Speaking of iOS 18, now it’s been available for a good few months, we’re seeing more and more fantastic uses of the new Control Center widgets. All kinds of apps have thrown their controls into the ring, and we’re highlighting our favorites in the Reviews section this issue.

The other big feature this time around looks at Apple’s history of buying up smaller companies and what it meant for them. Sometimes it acquires entire apps just to pinch a clever feature for iOS, sometimes it buys up competitors to improve things behind the scenes. But what does it all mean for the future?

All that and much more in this issue of Swipe magazine. Happy reading!

Tom Rolfe

Swipe Editor