Widgets are everywhere in iOS, providing quick access to relevant daily information.
To access widgets, simply swipe from left to right from the Home screen or Cover Sheet. It’s even accessible when your device is locked.
The default view shows snippets from some iOS apps like Calendar. There’s also a section for Siri app suggestions, much like you’ll find when using the Spotlight search.
Thankfully the widget view is completely customizable, and you can add and delete widgets to your liking.
Now you can include information from third-party apps, even if the apps aren’t running. Swipe down to the bottom of the widget view and tap Edit.
The top of the screen shows which widgets are currently active. You can press and drag to reorder the sequence they appear in, and tap the red “–” icon to remove them.
Lower down you can see any apps you already have installed which have compatible widgets. Tap the green “+” icon to add any of these apps to this view.