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Follow Friends: Share Playlists And Listen History | iOS 17 Guide

It’s possible to share your excellent taste in music or video with your friends. The Music app includes a social feature to make it easy to discover and share new music.

To use this feature, you need to be signed up to Apple Music. Head to the For You tab and then access your profile by tapping on your avatar – a photo of you if you’ve added one, or a silhouette by default.

Here, tap your name and then hit Edit. Here you can add a photo, give yourself a nickname, and make your profile either public, private, or available just to selected friends. You can also choose which of your playlists you’re happy to appear publicly on your profile.

Once this is set up, users can then see what you’ve recently played, and view your playlists in order to keep up with what you’re listening to.

It works both ways – if you’re connected to friends via your profile, you can view their playlists and recently played tracks, too. You’ll find any contacts at the bottom of your own profile page. Simply tap their names to view their public listening habits, or tap Follow More Friends to track down others to follow.