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Craft – Docs and Notes Editor

A new player enters the notes market with a comprehensive offering

Price: Free
Version: 1.1.4
Size: 75.2 MB
Platform: iPhone / iPad/ Mac
Developer: Luki Labs


Craft joins the ranks in an army of different note-takers, document editors, and collaborative tools on the App Store.

Craft approaches the various notes and documents you create with a block-based approach so that notes and their previews are gridded on your main space where they can easily be moved around.

Craft takes a grid-like approach to organising notes

The app is incredibly smooth and despite its huge range of functionality, it’s not too challenging to pick everything up. The app guides you seamlessly through its capabilities thanks to comprehensive command palettes that manage to fit a lot in without being cluttered or fiddly.

Add images, lists, links and even child notes within parent notes

For example, when you’re typing in a document, you’re provided a few small icons just above the keyboard. Tapping the first one opens up a hovering, scrolling menu above which options like adding colors, actions, dates, while the icon next to it provides some more stylistic options like creating headings, tick boxes, altering fonts, and pretty much anything you’d expect from a powerful word processor, which are only a few swipes or taps away.

But with so much functionality, the path to simple note creation on the fly can sometimes be lost. Again, not so with Craft. On opening the app you have that grid view for all your documents with a simple menu at the bottom with 3 options: search, new note, profile settings.

You can create multiple ‘spaces’ to hold specific types of notes

There are two main ways to organize documents – either through tags and search, or the more manual option of putting things in folders. Craft is clearly going for the former, and it works well for those getting started and aren’t ready to more formally structure their notes which makes it great for newbies. Have a thought, or want to quickly type something up to come back and edit properly later? You just have to hit the new note icon and you’re given a blank canvas ready to type in.

However, if you wish to structure in folders, Craft takes a slightly different but equally intuitive approach by giving you the options to create ‘spaces’, meaning you can segment the types of documents you’re making. This is a decent approach for both simple note-takers and more creative users who want to create a shared and collaborative space.

You can also nest notes within other notes to essentially create your own wiki page for any topic you might be researching or writing about.

There are multiple ways to alter styles and add other elements via floating menus

As noted, the design feels very iOS and the developers have clearly put a lot of work into appealing to a native audience, while also providing some very powerful collaboration options for others. Craft feels nimble and light and a great choice for those looking for a note-taking app.

It’ll have its work cut out pulling users away who are already in another note-taking ecosystem, but even at this early stage it’s putting up a pretty compelling case to make the switch.