ODDROK may be a small studio based in Finland, but they still managed to release one of the most exciting games of 2015 when they released action hover-boarding title Power Hover, towards the tail end of the year.
Their story’s an interesting one, branching off and going it alone after a spell working at Angry Birds developer and far bigger studio Rovio, ODDROK’s Janne and Markus Kallio launched the outfit after finishing up on Rovio’s Retry game.
Now, in an interview with gamesreviewer.net, the pair have talked a little more about the inspiration behind the truly brilliant Power Hover:
“For Power Hover: Another world, Sonic, Starfox certainly. All those early day Nintendo/Sega/Capcom/Konami games will always serve as an inspiration for us.”
They also described the game’s evolution:
“Power Hover is one of those games that design themselves, we had quite extensive prototyping phase: the game originally started as a car game, then it evolved into a downhill skiing game, until finally we arrived to this final iteration: level based, inertia free hoverboarding with a wild camera system.”
They also go on to discuss the game’s popularity and warm reception – in fact, the whole interviews worth a read and you can find it right here.
Download Power Hover from the App Store
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