If you’re looking to get a new Apple goody from the online store then now is the perfect time as Apple is offering free shipping on all orders up to and including May 29, 2014. Usually Apple only offers free delivery on purchases over $50.
The promotion is to tie-in with Father’s Day taking place on June 15, so even if you only plan on buying a case for an iPhone or iPad, you won’t have to stump up any extra cash to get it in time. To help you with ideas of what to get your dad, Apple has curated a special area of it’s store with related gifts, such as the Parrot AR.Drone or the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard for iPad.
With Apple looking to improve it’s customer interaction through the online store, promotions like this and recent improvements to their return policy are set to boost its popularity and make it the go-to destination for picking up Apple products.