When the latest iteration of Apple TV was launched last month, it came with its own App Store for the first time. However, as developers scrambled to create compatible apps for the platform, users were finding it difficult to find ones that were there.
On launch, tvOS users found that the store was devoid of the regular apps categories familiar to iTunes and Mac App Store users. However, apps are now becoming easier and easier to locate – there are now seven separate app categories. Previously, there were just two.
The full list of categories is now:
- Games
- Education
- Entertainment
- Health & Fitness
- Lifestyle
- News
- Sports
Previously, the store only included Games and Entertainment, which were added at the start of November alongside Top Paid, Free and Grossing Charts.
Meanwhile, Apple has been busy pushing out the TV’s ad campaign before the holidays.
The Apple TV is available now from the Apple Store and other outlets priced at $149 (£129) for a 32GB edition, and $199 (£169) for a 64GB edition.
Read more: Reviews roundup for the Apple TV