
Malware explained: can iPhones get viruses?

There’s a common misconception that Apple’s iPhones and iPads are impervious to viruses and malware. Let’s set the record straight: While Apple products are renowned for their robust security features, they are not entirely immune to digital threats. It’s true, the chances of encountering a virus on your iPhone are considerably lower than on other devices, but no device is completely impervious to attacks.

Why iPhones have a lower risk

The core reason behind the reduced risk of viruses on iPhones and iPads lies in Apple’s controlled ecosystem. The App Store has a ton of rules and checks in place for app developers, and although dodgy apps sometimes slip through the cracks, it mostly does a good job of keeping dangerous apps out of the store.

iOS is also a closed system, meaning it doesn’t allow users much freedom in terms of software installation and modifications. (Excepting users in the EU, who are now legally able to sideload apps). This “walled garden” approach does more than just streamline the user experience – it significantly reduces the avenues through which malware can infiltrate your device.

The risks still exist

Despite Apple’s stringent security measures, vulnerabilities can and do exist. There have been many instances where security flaws were exploited in iPhones, and we could point to plenty of threatening and/or dishonest apps out there. While these incidents are rare and usually involve less harmful consequences like ad fraud, they serve as a reminder that vigilance is key.

Practical advice

Avoid jailbreaking: Jailbreaking your iPhone might sound appealing for the added customization and freedom it offers. However, it also strips away layers of security that Apple has built into iOS, leaving your device more susceptible to malware.

Stay updated: Regularly updating your iPhone is crucial. These updates often include security patches that address newly discovered vulnerabilities. By keeping your device up to date, especially with Rapid Security Response updates, you’re ensuring that you always have the latest protections.

Be Informed: Keep an eye on tech news. Awareness of current vulnerabilities and threats allows you to be proactive in protecting your device. If a major issue is discovered, tech headlines will likely provide timely advice on safeguarding your device.

App Caution: Only use apps from trusted sources like the App Store, and even then, do a quick check on the app’s reviews and developer reputation. While Apple rigorously vets apps, it’s always wise to exercise caution.

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