Flight tracking: get quick flight previews in-app | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016June 26, 2018
Live Photos: viewing and sharing your animations | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016April 9, 2018
Set wallpaper: choose a new background image | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016September 12, 2017
Restarting properly: how and when to restart your phone | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016November 1, 2017
Birthday reminders: show friends’ birthdays in Calendar | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016August 17, 2017
Scientific calculator: hidden calculator functions | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016September 10, 2017
Location reminders: setting location-based alerts | iOS 11 Guideby Tom RolfeJune 22, 2016June 26, 2018