Thousands of apps and games are added to the App Store each week, and trawling through them to find the good ones can be difficult. That’s where we come in! We’ve found two new titles in particular that we think are worthy of your attention, as well as a golden oldie that we reckon deserves another mention.
App of the Week
Spark 3.0 [Free]
Spark is not a new app, having been one of the better third party email apps on the App Store since way back in 2015. However, Readdle has just relaunched it under the version 3.0 moniker, adding new a Smart Inbox that prioritises emails from real people. It also pinches one of the best features of HEY Email, with a Gatekeeper feature that lets you pre-screen new contacts, as well as handy Mark as Done and Set Aside email options.
Spark 3.0
Game of the Week
Torchlight: Infinite [Free]
Getting a little bored of Diablo Immortal, but still crave some glossy ARPG fun? Or maybe you’re simply more into sci-fi than fantasy with your console-esque loot-hoovering? Allow us to introduce you to Torchlight: Infinite, a slick dungeon-crawling hack-and-slasher with a refreshingly bright and futuristic aesthetic. It’s technically in open beta right now, with a full release set for the fall, but it seems to be in decent shape already.
Torchlight: Infinite
App Store Classic
Spike Email [Free]
Talking about the relaunched Spark Mail got us to thinking about other golden oldie email apps. Taking its place alongside the previous Spark on our best email apps list last year was Spike Email, which drags creaky old email into the instant messaging era. It does so by turning those impossible-to-track email chains into concise message threads. It’s also got the usual priority and snooze features that we all expect of a modern email app, as well as some nifty project collaboration functions.