All the essential iPhone, iPad, Apple and apps news from the last week
Apple Watch Series 2 Is it time to consider either upgrading or getting your first Apple Watch? We’ve rounded up the reviews for the recently released, second iteration of Apple’s high-end smartwatch. Read the story!
Portrait mode The hotly anticipated new DSLR-inspired camera feature for the iPhone 7 Plus has just been released in a recent iOS 10.1 beta – check it out, and marvel at the beauty of bokeh. Read the story!
Return of the headphone jack! A brand new third-party iPhone 7 case has restored the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus’ headphone jack… but that’s not all. Take a look for yourself. Read the story!
Apple Music Report says Apple has once again changed the music industry, but Spotify is still king. Read the story!
Pocket Universe New app makes Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time more accessible. Read the story!
Read more: How to turn Live Photos or bursts into videos using these great apps