The Apple TV’s Universal Search function, which was added in its fourth-generation set-top TV box, has been expanded to include Disney meaning the Disney Channel, Disney Jr., Disney XD, and Watch ABC are now accessible through Apple’s search API.
The functionality means users can search for films or TV shows via the box and it will return results across various platforms, which currently include Netflix, iTunes, Hulu, Showtime and HBO.
The way it works is that users can search using Siri on the TV, and if results are available, users can then open them via the property’s tvOS app. It even works if the app isn’t yet installed.
Since the initial launch back in October, additional search options haven’t been particularly forthcoming, so here’s hoping this latest move will be the first of many new additions.
Apple TV’s can be purchased from Apple’s Online store, but if you want to pick up a box for a little cheaper, Apple recently started selling refurbished TV boxes for a knockdown price.
Read more: Voice control on Apple TV set to improve in next tvOS update