All the essential Apple news from the last seven days
Tim vs. FBI Apple CEO issues open letter to explain why the company won’t help the FBI access data on the iPhone used by the San Bernadino shooter. Read the story!
iPhone 7 processor Report suggests Apple will be ditching Samsung in the manufacturing of its next-generation processors. Read the story!
Apple Maps ‘Street View’ A first-person street view function is likely to appear in Apple Maps in iOS 10, helping it compete with Google Maps. Read the story!
Apple Pay in China Mobile payment system expected to launch this week. Read the story!
Magazine’s iPhone shoot A food magazine has shot an entire issue’s photos using only iPhones. Read the story!
Kanye West Rapper’s new album is exclusively available on Tidal, says it’ll “never be on Apple.” Read the story!
Read more: The 7 best iOS stargazing apps for exploring the heavens