All the essential iPhone, iPad, Apple and apps news from the last week
See you on the 7th!
Apple has announced an event for September 7, appropriate considering this is the time of year Apple announces its next-generation iPhones – this year expected to be the iPhone 7.
Apple’s €13bn tax problem
The European Commission has said Apple received €13bn in state aid due to an illegal deal with the Irish government. And it wants Apple to pay it all back, with interest.
New iCloud storage tier
Apple has refreshed its iCloud storage offering and pricing.
Product refreshes
Word on the street is that Apple is about to update its other products following the iPhone 7 announcement – including iPad.
Facebook privacy
An interesting and slightly scary report has been published in the Washington Post, outlining the ways that Facebook acquires and utilizes your personal data to serve more relevant adverts.
WhatsApp privacy
WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Facebook, has updated its terms to allow it to share your phone number with the social media giant. Here’s how to opt-out.
Read more: Review – Moji Maker – make your own emojis!