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Apple News Roundup – November 26, 2015

All the essential Apple news from the last seven days

iPhone 8
Wait, what happened to the iPhone 7?! Reports suggest Apple will start using OLED displays from 2018. Read the story!

Motion Capture
Apple has acquired a motion capture which produces technology used on the forthcoming Star Wars movie. Read the story!

iPad Pro sales
Despite problems in the tablet market, the iPad Pro is predicted to sell 3m units. Read the story!

Moleskine Timepage
New(ish) calendar app was already making waves, but its latest update makes it even more functional thanks to a heatmap month view. Read the story!

Apple TV
It’s now far easier to find apps thanks to new categories in the TV App Store. Read the story!

Lara Croft GO
Critically-acclaimed Tomb Raider game gets new levels and goes on sale! Read the story!

Apply Pay
In a bid to expand its reach in the Chinese market, Pay is heading to China. Read the story!

Read more! Best third-party alternatives to the native iPhone Calendar app (Including Moleskine Timepage!)