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News Roundup – March 3, 2017

These are our top iPhone, iPad, Apple and apps news stories from the last week

1. USB-C input for iPhone 8? 

Reports are conflicted, but read about how likely it is Apple will ditch the Lightning connector, and what it means if it does.

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2. New iPads this year 

There’s been some uncertainty over whether Apple will release new iPads, what they will look like – but more recently, when they’ll be launching. Catch up in our latest story.

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3. Apple Avatars 

A brand new patent submitted by Apple suggests it’s considering launching avatars for apps and games use. What will this mean for the everyday user?

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4. New iOS 10.3 betas 

Developers now have access to the next iterative update – and it comes with some exciting new features. We’ve taken a look ourselves – find out what’s coming to you soon.

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5. Facebook updates its iOS app

It’s implemented some important new social AI tools – as well as launching an Apple TV app. Read all about it.

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6. Prisma app updates

The App Store smash of 2016 which turns your photos into classic and modern works of art has released a significant new update. Find out what’s new:

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7. 5G edges closers

Device makers like Apple now have access to rough standards. Find out how fast your cellular data is about to get…

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8. Cracked screen?

Your warranty will no longer be void if you have it repaired by a third-party.

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